

おととい、心臓の調子も回悪かった。 も一ヶ月間心肺蘇生法部にいます、心臓の調子が良くならない。 退院したいし、太陽を見たいだがチャンスがないと思 う、毎日、薬、点滴器がつけっています、先生達は点滴器の針で鈍い刀ように私の手を刺通した。 手や心臓が痛いです。 弱り切った鳥ようなフリーダムに飛 びたい。

Heart was acing again before yesterday. I still staying at resuscitation department about month or so. Unfortunately, my condition doesn't become well. I want to go out, to see the sun, but i suppose no chances. I am drinking a lot of medicines, and taking dropping bottle everyday. Doctors stubbed my hands by needles as a blunt sword. Hands and heart are acing. I am like exhausted bird want to fly out into a freedom.

Posted # by kireinafuyu | 2013-02-01 17:51 |


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